Quieres hablar español, means "Do you want to speak Spanish"  If yes! then you have come to the right place. But before we continue, I need to stress there are numerous websites throughout the internet that offer Spanish Tuition and Spanish Courses, however it normally comes at a price and from my experience not very good. At We Speak Spanish, we offer Spanish tuition to you absolutely FREE. 

Competitively, there is Learning Spanish Like Crazy, there is Spanish Now, there is Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish, there is Rocket Spanish, there is Michel Thomas Spanish Course, there is Don Quijote Spanish Courses, there is Short Cut  To Spanish, there is Instant Spanish to mention but a few. There are also several Spanish books and several have Spanish Audio CD programs from which to learn; but best way to learn Spanish is by enrolling in an Immersion Spanish courses available in places like Mexico, Barcelona, Madrid, 

This Spanish Course at We Speak Spanish will get you ready to enter any immersion courses so that you would benefit from it from the very first day.  First you need to at least commit a few Spanish words to memory so that your recall is instantaneous and not something you need to think about. All the letters in Spanish words are enunciated and therefore easy to pronounce and read.

Hello - Hola
Good morning - Buenos días
Good afternoon - Buenas tardes
Good evening - Buenas noches
Good night - Buenas notches

Sir / Mr - Señior
Madam / Mrs - Señiora
My name is Hector - Me llamo Hector
What is your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas?
What is your name? - ¿Qué es su nombre? 
Nice to meet you - Mucho gusto 
How are you? - ¿Cómo está usted?  (formal)
How's it? - ¿Cómo estás?  (informal)

I am fine - Estoy bien
See you later - Hasta luego
See you soon - Hasta pronto
Goodbye - Adiós
Go well (Go with God) - Via con dios 
Yes - Sí 
No - No
Please - Por favor  
Thank you - Gracías

Excuse me - Perdóname
Excuse me - Con permiso. 
I'm sorry - Lo siento
I - Estoy
You -Tu (informal)
You - Usted (formal)
He - El 
She - Ella 
We - Nosotros /Nosotras

I miss you - Te extraño
I love you - Te quiero 
I love you - Te amo

Who? - ¿Quién?
What? - ¿Qué? 
Why? - ¿Por qué?
Where? - ¿Dónde?

Who is at the door? - ¿Quién es a la puerta?
Where you from - ¿De donde eres?
What is this - ¿Qué es esto?
Why don't you speak Spanish? - ¿Por qué no hablas Español? 

I am lost please help - Estoy perdido/a ayudame por favor.
I need help - Neccesito ayuda.
It is very important to me - Es mas importa parame.
How much is than? - Quanto de costa?
Money - Dinero / Plata
Men - Hombre
Woman - Mujer

Lets go - Vamenos
I have to go - Tengo que ir
My house is your house - Mi casa es su casa.
My farther - Mi padre
My mother - Mi madre
My Brother - Mi Hermano
My Sister - Mi Hermana
My Son - Mi Hijo
My daughter - Mi Hija

I need to change my money - Nesesito cambiar mi dinero

0 - Cero
1 - Una
2 - Dos
3 - Tres
4 - Cuatro
5 - Cinco
- Seis
- Siete
8 - Ocho
9 - Nueve
10 - Diez

11 - Once
12 - Doce
13 - Trece
14 - Catorce
15 - Quince
16 Dieciséis
17 - Decisiete
18 - Dieciocho
19 - Diecinueve 

20 - Veinte
21- Veintiuno
22 - Veintidós
23 - Veintitrés
24 - Veinticuatro
25 - Veinticinco
26 - Veintiséis
27 - Veintisiete
28 - Veintiocho
29 - Veintinueve

30 - Treinta
40 - Cuarents
50 - Cincuenta
60 - Sesenta
70 - Setenta
80 - Ochenta
90 - Noventa
100 - Cien

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